Saturday, 27 February 2010


Freedom is only safe when kept within the bounds of decency and respect.


These words are the buzz words of today, but used to demand that there be no demands for standards of behaviour and ability acceptable to all. Incompetence and loss of virtue follow and respect with it.

Discriminating ethical judgement is not allowed as man departs from ageless moral wisdom. There are no boundaries to behaviour and civilisation is under threat. Each is god in his own eyes, the avatar we hear so much about.

What if we all follow this way? Surely anarchy.

What is the cure?

Surely the voice of passionate reason from our leaders who are prepared to examine our state and apply the wisdom of ageless morality.

What hope of this?

Friday, 26 February 2010


We know how we feel if someone turns their back on us. We little think of how God feels when we turn our back on Him. At creation He delighted in man and purposed to enjoy fellowship with him.

Man chose to ignore Him and His words. All joy in man was gone and God must surely have experienced desolation, the same desolation Christ knew in His crucifixion, the price He paid to restore the joy of fellowship.

Friday, 19 February 2010


For democracy to survive, social criticism needs to be alive and well. By its nature it rises out of concern for the future of man, and so should be passionate.

Christians need to be leaders in the debate, not caressing themselves in comfortable isolation.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Walking with a lamp in a dark place necessitates slow progress. One can only walk within the circle of light. This should illustrate to us the nature of our spiritual life. We walk in the midst of greater darkness than we realise but rush from one activity to the next, without pause for thought.

Man has harnessed energy to throw light everywhere and at all times so forgetting his dependence on God for light on the path of life.

'The entrance of your word gives light'.
'Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path'.
Psalm 119

We in turn should be lights for others.

Thursday, 4 February 2010


In Luke, Jesus makes clear that He was preaching the good news of the coming of the Kingdom of God. It is not merely to be friends.

To preach any gospel which excludes His rule is no gospel at all. Even the dying thief realised this.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


The truth is that we can do nothing for our salvation.

The other truth is that now we can do all things for our salvation.

Each is centred in Christ and flow from Him.