Friday, 26 March 2010


The term 'education' came into being in the 1600's when an alchemist, Comenius, coined the phrase to describe 12 levels of instruction to bring about enlightenment.

This was used as the basis for preparing children to serve progress in an industrial society. Childhood became a new age in man's lifespan, marked by a sacred presinct, the school, and professional teachers, the priests of the new learning. The reality of life and society was left at the doors of a professionaly-run institution who controlled the curriculum. Children have been trapped in an enclave of state-biased opinion eversince.

Now they are groomed to become citizens of a commodity-dependent economy and the most important resource of the state. They imbibe the teaching of endless consumption both of knowledge and of other produced goods.

In contrast, true learning will give tools to the young to enable them to carve out an independent and meaningful life without jeopardising the free lifestyle of others.

Friday, 19 March 2010


In giving ourselves over to speed, small wonder that time is running away with us.

C S Lewis said many years ago, fast travel obliterates space.

Thursday, 18 March 2010


Celebrating life takes the form of feasting throughout Scripture. The most natural way to give expression to joyfulness.

These feasts foreshadow the marriage feast of the Lamb spoken about in Revelation.
Christ said farewell to His companions after a feast, that of Passover and spoke of coming joy. In Egypt it was a meal that reminded God's people that He had delivered them from slavery.

God celebrates when His lost sons return and reminds us of that joy as we eat the bread and drink the wine, emblems of Christ's sacrifice.

As believers we are to celebrate life in all that we do. This should be the spearhead of evangelism, the calling card of the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no place for the judgemental older brother. He excluded himself from the feast as he knew only resentment in his heart.

It is the 'prodigal God' who lavishes all on His repentant son. Which son are we?

Sunday, 14 March 2010


The mark of a healthy society where men are free to live out their lives creatively with all the necessary competence to do so.

In so doing man discovers the joy of celebrating life, that marked by festivity, the true meaning of conviviality.

Life is marked by 'discipline and morality' but enlivened by 'graceful playfullness'. A true feast.

Saturday, 13 March 2010


To the ancients, friendship was synonymous with joyfulness.

Our friends are those in whom we find pleasure. There is joyful sobriety which ensures that we discipline ourselves to guard against all that would be detrimental to that relationship.


In order for man to really live he needs only the simplist of tools. Tools which will bring him autonomy and competence.

Luxuries enslave us and bring no lasting joy.


There should be 'liberating discipline' together with a 'playful creativity'.
Morality and joyfulness must live side by side.

Enforced learning destroys intelligence which thrives on curiousity and questions.

Saturday, 6 March 2010


To the Greeks, he was a man who could see only as far as the end of his nose. He lived in a private world of his own creation, divorced from a wider reality.

We cannot afford to be led by such in the world of finance, politics, education and health. Even more so in religion.

The wise man had a clear understanding of the wider world. He sought its virtues and shunned its evils and taught others to do the same.

In the Scriptures the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.


A narrative of the Creator God's revelation of Himself to men whom He made in His image. It recounts their disobedience and distortion into the image of Satan, the father of lies. It is a history of their restoration into the image of God in the likeness of Christ through His life and death in their place.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


Why the change from customers to consumers?

Maybe the former speaks of need for service and an attitude of respect.
The latter are merely essential ingredients to a profitable business which makes sure they have an insatiable appetite.

They have no productive role whatsoever. They exist only to consume.