Thursday, 30 December 2010


Spreading the Gospel is all about telling a story, the triune God's story of His salvation of His creation. All men love a story and can readily relate to it. It is not threatening and should not be. God has come in kindness not condemnation.

He has come to us in a Person whose life and deeds have rescued us. His people must mirror Him, by giving Him praises and by our wise rule of His creation.

Monday, 6 December 2010


Evolution by Natural Selection is all about where we came from but tells us little about who we are, why we are here and where we are going.

Philosophy is bound up with present reality, seeking a meaning in it.

The two seldom meet in a coherent story.

Only the Biblical narrative gives true lucidity and meaning to life. A Creator God who sculptured man in His image to rule over creation and bring its praises to God. A relationship immersed in mutual delight.
Proverbs 8

Through disobedience man chose self-rule, forfeiting his destiny of an everlasting life pleasing to God. Through grace God reinstated man through the atoning Death and Resurrection of His Messiah, giving life to all who recognise Him.

Men who have this life are being renewed in the image of God's true Man, living as royal priests who mirror the rule and glory of God to all, soon to be lived out in a gloriously renewed creation

Heaven come down to earth, hidden now but to be revealed in its fulness. The greatest love story ever told.

Friday, 3 December 2010


Stained-glass windows often tell a story. Christ, in the midst of God's glorious cosmos, is God's stained-glass window. When the sun shines through, it's beauty is revealed, sending multi-coloured beams into darkened recesses. There is always more to see. It remains a mystery only to those who close their hearts to it.

God has called His sons to be the sun for others.