Wednesday, 13 July 2011


When man makes God a myth and His story a fairy tale, he drains man of meaning and turns his humanness into a myth as well. With our obsession with technology we become a machine, destined for oblivion.

C S Lewis calls this 'The abolition of Man'.

There is only one image of God permitted on earth. Man made in His image. The Son of Man being the first-born of a new humanity.

Sunday, 10 July 2011


Jesus, the Messiah, the one sent to be a Redeemer, sending his followers out to be redeemers too, redeeming God's world and humanity in it.

Thursday, 7 July 2011


When individuals matter most to themselves, individuals cease to matter.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


The world's ears are open to words of life. Redemption, restoration, healing, meaning, enrichment, enhancement embedded in respect for others and above all, love.

Is the Church's mouth open to proclaim the good news of life in the risen Messiah?

'How shall they hear without a preacher?'
Romans 10


The restoration of redemptive sense and meaning in service of man as he restores the cosmos in service to God.

Each redeemed man a living temple of God, the only image of God permitted on earth.

Man in Christian community, the dwelling place of God here and now, and hereafter.

Sunday, 3 July 2011


True science provides the scaffold upon which we can craft a work of art fit for God's kingdom on earth, the temple he is restoring and in which He will dwell among His people.

'Do all to the glory of God'