Friday, 30 September 2011


 In searching beneath the appearance of an object man enters a realm of exploration which must maintain a sense of the sacred if it is to serve God's purposes for that object. All of creation is brought into being with a purpose, reflecting God's deep-seated will for purpose. We do not need to know the deeper composition to enjoy it but that enjoyment can be enhanced by marveling at the design and complexity of the subject, enriched yet further by seeing it functioning according to God's design.

If science pulls life apart it must be sure to put the pieces back together with beauty and sanctity of expression,
enhancing God's glory and purpose in creation.

Friday, 23 September 2011


An endless journey into the abyss.


Evil and misery, within and without,  is caused by the loss of true perfection, man in the image of God.

The pursuit of holiness, the restoring of that image, is true progress and the only hope of life eternal.


Telling others that God is calling them home through the life, death and resurrection of His Messiah, the one born as Jesus, the King of the Jews.

Such good news should make us gladly turn to Him and follow His ways, living under His wise rule in a world which will be redeemed too.


A clouded countenance due to displeasure with God and man, turning away from both. A child of God's face should always have an inner glow, even in the midst of pain and trouble.

John Rutter is able to smile in his pain, helping others to smile too. Charles Darwin turned away from God and did great damage to man.

Saturday, 17 September 2011


'We are His workmanship.... Ephesians 2 vs 10.

'This is the explanation: God has made us what we are. God has created us in King Jesus for the good works that he prepared ahead of time, as the road we must travel.'

Actions of uplifting love.

Monday, 5 September 2011


God is always changing yet forever the same.

Man is like the snowflake, an infinite variety but of the same substance. As snowflakes we drift to earth and have our own reality quite unlike that of another.


The only image of God He permits on earth.

Saturday, 3 September 2011


The brain has been constituted by God to write a harmonious, and so beautiful, narrative of life in all its fullness, both within and without. Words, the expression of being, the revelation of God.

'In these last days He has spoken to us in His Son'. Restored to that image we, too, now reveal God to man in our words and deeds.


When the immoral becomes beautiful, to be celebrated and admired, a nation is in trouble.