A young woman, recently widowed by the forces of the credit crunch, sought God where she thought she would find Him. In His house. But He was not amongst the handful of people gathered there.
How often is this story repeated when hurt and desperate people are looking for solace in the one place where they thought they would find it. In God’s house, be it a chapel or a cathedral.
Is this indeed true? Maybe.
God is near to those who fear Him and makes Himself unfailingly known to them. Psalm 25
This godly awe and respect is sadly lacking today, even in so-called Christians, so it is not surprising to find it lacking in the Church. Is it a case of the house built on sand which gave way when the storm came? Jesus never left men in doubt about God’s ways, using simple imagery to teach profound facts.
A biblical fear of God is accompanied by humility, a mourning of the deep hurt we have inflicted on God by ignoring Him. What are we mourning? A loss of income or status? Or our effrontery in calling Wall Street 'a holy place’ as its god deals out favours to those who worship there?
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