Is it just coincidence that the world's finance system has collapsed the year we commemorate Darwin's birth? Evolutionism has eroded the teaching of man in the image of God and so eliminated God.
Darwin admitted that the 'mystery of all mysteries' was the definition of 'species', to which, he said, he had no answer. It was his missing link. His followers have no such modesty.
Paul tells us that ' since the creation of the world God's invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead'. This should inspire us to rejoice in His greatness as David used to do in the Psalms. How thankful we should be for John Rutter, who helps us glorify God in His creation by both words and music. He causes our spirits to rise as we do that which brings such pleasure to God. If ever we needed to do this it is now, as the world plunges into gloom and despair.
Instead of commemorating Darwin let us look to the God who made him.
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