Monday, 30 March 2009


With today’s speed of communication and unending choice, we have to ‘think without thinking’. This is defined as ‘thin-slicing,’ a two second pause in which our response flows from an educated subconscious, formed by all our experiences of life. What are we using to educate ours? Only a godly subconscious can lead to God-pleasing thinking, separating the ‘vile from the precious’. More than ever our minds need to be drenched with the mind of Christ, who set Himself to please His Father. He was God’s Man on earth, the Father’s beloved.

Mary Queen of Scots declared to John Knox that her conscience did not accuse her. He replied ‘Madam, your conscience has not been taught of God’

Has ours?

Sunday, 29 March 2009


Love stories are written into our lives.

That this should be so is not surprising, as God wrote the first love story. His Son is the first-born of creation, the One in whom God delights and for whom He prepared the sons of men. Proverbs 8

At the end of time there will be a marriage feast, God's people adorned as a bride for her Heavenly Bridegroom. There are whispers of this in the Song of Solomon and touches in Ezekiel 16.'Your fame went out among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through My splendour which I bestowed on you.'

That splendour had a price, the life of the Bridegroom. He became naked and despised so that His bride could be clothed. He purchased her as a slave and lifted her to royalty.

We must be blind not to see this. Only Christ can open our eyes to its beauty.


Heaven is depicted as a place where God is on His throne and men are at His footstool, a knee distance apart.

We prefer an armchair.

Friday, 27 March 2009


Gordon Brown led the tributes to Jade Goody, thus acknowledging her life as commendable.

It is a pity that he does not do so for every British soldier that dies.
The one is about getting, the other about giving.

Are these values a reflection of those of our society, endorsed by our leaders?
If so, no wonder there is disintegration of our national life.

Thursday, 19 March 2009


God made us in such a way that when we do what He ordained for us, we use our bodies as they were designed, and so are kept fit.

Weeding will keep us on our knees, strengthening our joints. Scrubbing the floor keeps cartilage healthy. Reaping the fields and picking fruit will maintain our backs.Walking keeps our core muscles strong. Kneading bread exercises our arms. Riding horses keeps our discs healthy.

We have lost respect for manual labour and 'compensate by embracing a strenuous regimen of gratuitous exercise'. Our bodies and minds are degenerating from lack of use as we evade the effects of the Fall. 'You will work by the sweat of your brow' were not idle words.

As a body therapist says 'we no longer make things with our bodies so we turn our attention to working on them. They are our project'. If we are happy with our looks, it is of short duration.

How has it come to this? We have electrical modcons for everything, so do not value our bodies. Perhaps the recession will be a chance to regain their dignity as we use them productively in God-given labour.

My house has become my gym, elbow grease the answer to fitness.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009


An ancient divine said that Christianity should manifest itself as a "heart-felt desire to live a God-pleasing life"

A hundred years ago my grandfather arrived in Nyasaland as a pioneer missionary. His first stumbling words in their language, as he rushed ashore, were "Do you love God?" a question we will all be asked one day. A life of selfless service encouraging the people to be industrious, was accompanied by, as my grandmother said, telling the "old,old story of Jesus and his love".

A life-changing Christian faith replaced animism and bore the fruit of concern for the uneducated, ill and orphaned which continues in Malawi down to this day. The pure gospel will never change but its followers will.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


Signs of a sick Christianity - no passion.
No passion, no fight.
No fight, no holiness.
No holiness, no life.

Salt burns.

The world needs a lamp, not a lightbulb.
Artificial light has little warmth.

Sunday, 8 March 2009


Sabbath rest is precious in a perpetual war zone. We want blessings, not battles but ' a corrupt heart, a busy devil and an ensnaring world' make for a daily fight. Only pastors who realise the struggle can prepare their people for the next battle.

Sabbath rest in a place of safety, nourished by a loving pastor is to be treasured above all - the reality of Psalm 23. Such places are rare these days.


Once again I see the rainbow of God's promises so clearly but through tears, as I have no gold. Sometimes I see it sparkle in others and am grateful.

Friday, 6 March 2009


'The face is controlled by the heart rather than the will'.

Our faces do not only reflect what is going on inside us, they are part of that emotional response, generating further emotions. Smiling itelf can reinforce the delight we feel. 'A sense of trust and social well-being rises and spreads outward, enveloping the other'.

This is why face to face contact is so vital, nourishing our relationships. There are revealing flickers of emotion flashing across our faces. With our attachment to technology our expressions are lost on those who receive our communications. Why do managers resort to e-mails when their staff are a desk away?

God's glory is seen in the face of Christ which can transform those who perceive it. This is why Paul tells us we need to keep our gaze on Him, part of our transformation into His image. 2 Corinthians 3 vs 18.