Thursday, 19 March 2009


God made us in such a way that when we do what He ordained for us, we use our bodies as they were designed, and so are kept fit.

Weeding will keep us on our knees, strengthening our joints. Scrubbing the floor keeps cartilage healthy. Reaping the fields and picking fruit will maintain our backs.Walking keeps our core muscles strong. Kneading bread exercises our arms. Riding horses keeps our discs healthy.

We have lost respect for manual labour and 'compensate by embracing a strenuous regimen of gratuitous exercise'. Our bodies and minds are degenerating from lack of use as we evade the effects of the Fall. 'You will work by the sweat of your brow' were not idle words.

As a body therapist says 'we no longer make things with our bodies so we turn our attention to working on them. They are our project'. If we are happy with our looks, it is of short duration.

How has it come to this? We have electrical modcons for everything, so do not value our bodies. Perhaps the recession will be a chance to regain their dignity as we use them productively in God-given labour.

My house has become my gym, elbow grease the answer to fitness.

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