Saturday, 9 May 2009


The adherents of evolution speak with verbs that require an agent, but have none, other than the evolutionary processes themselves, which appear to have a mind and life of their own -
'the next evolutionary development addresses this problem’.

God has no problems in creation.
'And God saw that it was good.'
There is no thought of progress.
'Let there be...and it was so'. All was complete.

The only command was to be fruitful, each according to its kind.

"According to Steve Pinker, in 'Stuff of Thoughts', species are not some 'holistic being' capable of making a decision and moving in step, but made up of individuals, like a heap of pebbles.

Perhaps the principles of language expose an evolutionary fallacy. God is replaced by another agent who may even remain un-named. Words can make a difference.

Thoughts provoked by Denis Alexander in 'Creation or Evolution. Do We have to Choose ?'

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