Friday, 4 December 2009


Love in its forms, swirls and eddies from one to the other. Eros, philia and agape. Sometimes for the same person, sometimes each for another.
Passion loves itself, taking pleasure in the pleasure it affords. It is always passing, and needing to be renewed.
Philia, the love of friendship, takes delight in the other without asking for anything in return. This love has a lightness about itself and that lightness is joy. When we joy in another's existence, when we delight in them, we are loving them.
This can be spoken or unspoken, a smile, a caress, a moment of tenderness.

How significant that at the Last Supper, Christ spoke three times about joy, both His and that of the disciples. Its presence was to be the fulfillment of His mission. How closely linked to love in those chapters. Joy was to be full in those who loved him. His joy was in His Father and in His friends.

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