Sunday, 10 January 2010


The term 'career politician' is not new. This speaks of self-advancement.But should we not rather talk of professional politicians? For this is indeed what they are according to the current understanding of the term 'professional': those who pursue an occupation as their means of living.

This would bind them to professional standards as most of us have to do. This would include Lifelong Learning and Continual Professional Development with an annual appraisal by their constituency. Surely for those entrusted to lead our country this should be obligatory?

Embedded in professional standards are moral values and ethics. The citizens expect this but it does not seem to enter the reckoning of Members of Parliament. They feather their own nests until exposed.

Insight and perception head the list of abilities. On this score who of our leading politicians show evidence of professionalism? Small wonder we don't honour them, nor can we show respect.

'For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellers there is safety'.

Our politicians would do well to study the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs.

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